Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bittersweet growing up....

You know that moment when you realise that your baby is not a baby anymore.

I have found myself recently looking for the old baby traits in my little guy.  Problem is they just aren't there anymore.
He is still very much a Mummy's boy, but not in the same way as he was.  Now its all on his terms!

What is it about turning 4 that changes so much?

Worst thing is that parts that I would love to change (like toilet training properly, and the 4 year old attitude!) are not forthcoming, but those lovely little things he used to do are gone.   I just noticed yesterday that he now says the word 'look'.  This may not seem like a big deal, but both my children have been slow in picking up the letter l.  So both of them said the word as 'mook'.  Samantha said it that way until nearly her 6th birthday.  Anthony however is already far ahead of where she was at 4 with his speech.  I guess this is what happens having an older sibling 'sigh'.

I am so proud of my big boy.  I see so much of his father in him, and pray that he grows up to be a man like his Daddy.  Someone that is brave and strong and will protect his family no matter what.
I also hope that he grows up differently to his father in some ways.   What I want for my son, is for him to grow up strong in his faith.  I know with the combination of the Lord and his father he will be an amazing man some day.

So in the meantime, I will take what I can get.  The hugs and kisses at bedtime, the sweaty cuddles when he is exhausted after running around and the job of being chief comforter when he hurts himself.
And most importantly I will try not to forget what he was like as a sweet baby, and a cheeky toddler.  As well as cherishing the moments of this age, because they too will be gone before I know it!

He is the king of funny faces - here are a few of my favourites :)
Baby - 2010
6 Mths - 2010
Toddler - Jan 2011
Little guy - Aug 2011
July 2012
October 2013 :)  My Big guy!

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