Thursday, August 29, 2013

Little guy Thursdays

See, I can blog!  I have managed 3 days in a row!

Even though there is a good chance no one actually reads this blog.  Its a little like chicken soup for the soul.  A great way for me to get my jumble of thoughts out in a semi organised way.  That is why this blog can be a little all over the place - it's a lot like my brain!

Anyway, I have decided for those imaginary people that are actually following (maybe perhaps?) it might be nice to share what we are doing with our 3 year old while his big sister is doing her school work each day.  I know a lot of home schoolers to be worry about this equation a lot!  I know I did!
So Thursdays are going to be Anthony's day. 
Each week I will try and show some photos and explanations of what he does to keep busy and have fun - or little guy school, as we call it in our house.'

Anthony actually gets up to a ton of fun stuff each day.  As a child that absolutely point blank refuses to go to Kindy, he gets a lot of hang out at home with big sister and Mummy time.
I try and put out some activities for him to do while Samantha is doing her school work each day, or some days he likes to do reading eggs.  After much thought we decided to get him his own subscription this year.  He mostly sticks to the 1st map over and over, and likes to play in the school house.  It is all educational though - which I don't think he has quite figured out yet :)
His activities include puzzles, matching games, writing practise, colourings and the like.  One of his favourites is actually putting things into muffin trays with some little tongs I bought him from the $2 shop.
Next year he will be doing a preschool curriculum from Confessions of a Homeschooler, but this year is playtime for him.

So watch this space for interesting preschool activities.  I will try and post where I got things from just in case anyone is interested.  If anyone wants more information, please just pop a note in the comments section and I will try and answer any questions the best I can.

So, after all of that, this week I haven't taken a single photo.  My excuse is toilet training.  The thing that will test any parent to the point of breaking! 
However, because Anthony is dragged around all of Samantha's activities.  And because most of his friends in the group we spend our time with are little girls, today we went and spent a lovely morning (and most of the afternoon) at my close friends house.  The major benefit of this for Anthony is that it is also his besties house :)  And his besty is actually a boy - woohoo!
Here is a photo of the two of them playing today.  They are obviously a Ninja and Mike the knight!  Anthony is the older but smaller of the two - he he.


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