Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Boring old Homeschooling......

I read a interesting post the other day in one of my many home school links.  It was talking about those people that home school because they feel they have been called to it - yet don't really enjoy it.
This really struck a chord with me, because while passionate about it, I feel like I lack a certain skill in regards to this journey.  I don't think it is something that can't be fixed, I just feel like I haven't completely managed to 'unschool' myself properly yet.
It made me really sit and think about why we are on this journey and what I need to do to make it less 'schooly'.

Firstly the main reason we are on this journey is because I couldn't in good conscience send my daughter to our local school.    Now I am sure that it is a fantastic school for a lot of children, but I know my daughter.  I know how sensitive she is and I didn't want her to have to go off to school and learn to harden up!  I feel like a 5 year old little girl should be able to be sensitive, and that it is way to young to learn that the world is hard and some people are mean!
I worried myself sick for months about sending her, but never even realised that home schooling was an option.   When hubby suggested we look into it and we began researching it, I still didn't really think it was an option.  I was still looking at other schools around our area for Samantha.
Well this is where I suddenly realised that I was being led down this path for a reason!  I just needed to listen!  God had been whispering in my ear the whole time, that this was what was right for our family.  I just typically didn't open myself up to listening to him!  Once I accepted that this was the path he has planned for me everything literally fell into place.
I developed a real passion for everything homeschooling - I love it!  I love the whole ideal of it, and especially the idea that I am keeping my family together and teaching my children in a way that suits them and our family.

So decision made.... this is where it got harder!

I went to school!  At 5 I was trundled off with my new backpack and pigtails (not new) and school was where I stayed until I was 17.  I didn't particularly love school - it was just something I had to do when I wasn't rollerskating.
Unfortunately, that school system taught me that you follow the norm!  So even homeschooling, I was out there trying to find curriculum that fit into the 'box' for my child.
Now admittedly I stumbled across some good curriculum, and it does suit Samantha at this stage, but when she asked me the other day when we are going to do something 'fun' for school work I was stunned!
I realised that whilst we are ticking all the boxes for her learning what she should be, I had actually sucked all the fun out of it for her.  She might as well be at school!

So we are trying very hard to  shake things up a bit!

We are still covering our reading and maths curriculum, albeit in a slightly more fun ways.  This means more story writing, games and general silliness.
There is a lot more arty things - which is Sam's 'thing', and we are actually starting to use the unit studies I have been hoarding on my USB stick.

Sam has chosen to learn about Dolphins.   This is supposed to be a one week unit study (if you do nothing else a day), but because of the other things we are doing this will last us approximately 4-5 weeks.
So far this week we have watched videos of dolphins, learnt fun facts, rediscovered the story of Genesis 1 and learnt how to draw dolphins.

Samantha came to me today and said, "Mummy, today was so fun, can we do more like that tomorrow?".

My day was made!   That little sentence made me realise I need to chill out!  Enjoy this journey with my children, make it interesting as well as informative, and most of all make it fun!
This combined with our weekly activities will make this journey a much more relaxed fun environment for all of us - Hooray, and praise God!

Tomorrow is Kiwi sports (Hockey), swimming and a trip to the library.  If we are very lucky we might get some school work done too :)


Soccer time at Kiwi sports.

Very early in the morning (like still pitch black)...

is the perfect time to draw a Ninja Turtle!

Back to basics, we made play dough, and then played with it :)

Anthony's new Farm play set - yes the 6 year old loves it just as much!

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