Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas is coming.....again?

And the award of the 'WORST' blogger ever goes to..............ME!

 Its not really too much of a problem being that the only person reading this blog!
 It has been nearly three years since I last wrote in here, and to be absolutely honest I forgot it existed!
After several queries from people about our homeschooling journey - I have decided it is time for a resurrection of this poor old blog.
So along with a new name, there will obviously be new subject matter involved.
Miss Samantha is now 5 years old and we have made the very personal choice to homeschool. This is not a reflection of our local school system (well mostly), but mainly a decision that we as a family have decided is the best one for our children. Because Anthony obviously won't be left out of anything he is included in our school day - albeit at a preschool level.

We have the school room -
Side view -

Other Side -

This was the day we set it up, so it actually looks nothing like this now.  In actual fact if I am honest, nearing the end of our first (partial) year, it looks somewhat like a rubbish dump and is in desperate need of a clear out! 
I try very hard to enforce a no 'play' zone rule for this room, but both kids love being in here.  It is such a bright, sunny and inviting space to draw, read and play that I can't really blame them.

Here is a very grown up Miss Samantha at 5 and 1/2...

And the bossy Anthony at 3...

Its Sunday afternoon here and I have children begging me to feed them...again!  So enough for now, but tomorrow is another school day :)

I hope you enjoy our journey :)


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