Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So I just spent the last 10 minutes thinking up a witty, interesting entry only to lose it when i tried to add a photo!

I hope no one expects this one to be entertaining now!

So anyway, we had Samantha's 7 month Plunket visit (ah jees, I just had the cat place a strategic claw in my tender under arm area - what is with that)....*boots cat off chair*... now where was I. So yes, Plunket.....we saw the Karitane nurse. These visits really are a bit redundant in my opinion. They are really more about a weight/height comparison for me. We really don't learn anything, and I can't say I find them overly helpful even as a first time Mum.

I always mean to take a list of questions I have been saving up, I finally did, but before I could get to them (after hearing all about the nurses new granddaughter) the appointment was up and I was being hustled out the door.

Anyway, I suppose I should just be thankful that for once we weren't being hassled about Sam not fitting into the Plunket charts model for a perfect child, even though she has basically fallen off it for weight and is the very bottom for height!

And I find it a little pathetic that I feel grateful for the cutsie stickers she puts in Sam's book.

What happened to supporting new Mums in this country! Not all of us have the support system of Mums and family to help out with raising children!

Anyway, that is quite enough ranting from me this morning. Sam is bound to be awake soon and I have washing (when don't I) etc that needs to be done before she wakes up.

So, the new updated stats:

Height: 62.5cm

Weight: 6.68kgs

I don't think she will be growing out the 3-6mth clothing anytime soon:)

So as a tribute to my darling daughters first official day as a 7 month old, here is the last photo taken of her as a 6 month old!

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