Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Goodness me, two months can fly by when you are homeschooling!

So much has changed for us in the past few months.  Our lives have gotten much busier but in a lovely way. 

A few months ago I made a pact with myself.  The pact was that if there was something that I wished was available for my children, that I wouldn't sit around and complain about the lack of it, I would do something about it.
So I started small.  An email.... just to see if there were others out there like me.   The result, an amazing group of Mums and Dads and lovely children.  Our homeschool group is an out and out success!  We now have weekly playgroups, art groups, craft groups and are starting to branch out to field trips.  SUCCESS!

Every week I look around at this amazing dedicated group of parents, and thank the lord that he has seen fit to send them in my path.
These parents are all from different backgrounds, and they all have different stories.  Some have horror stories of terrible school experiences, both for themselves and their children.  Some like us, never took the chance and have been homeschooling from the start.  It is such a pleasure to talk to these parents, not just to find out the amazing ideas on curriculum (which we all know is a hot button for us home schooling types), but also just to get to know them as parents, homeschoolers, people.
Even more thrilling is watching my shy daughter make real friends.  To see her run in and hug the girls, so excited to be there with them after only days apart.  These are children that I couldn't have hoped for.  In my wildest dreams to hope that my children would come into contact with these lovely, respectful, friendly kids.  Age groups don't matter, they all play.  In fact my darling boys favourite person there is nearly 9. 

To you ladies (and dads), I thank you.   For coming into our lives and making it better.  For making 'those' days seem normal and far more bearable.  And to see that this choice we have made for our children really works.  I couldn't have asked for more....


1 comment:

Marnie said...

I feel exactly the same way : )
