Sunday, February 17, 2013

She sells Seashells?

It has been a busy few weeks in our household!

Super Gran (as my kids call their Great Grandmother) has been very sick in the hospital for the past few weeks and there doesn't seem to be much of a change as yet.  We are visiting as we can (no children are allowed in the ward) and praying for her recovery.  It has really given me a shock as she always seemed to be bulletproof even at nearly 90 years old.  It has made me realise how fragile she actually is. 

This past week the kids have been having a blast of a time playing with Anthony's best friend Master M.  His Mummy has had the unfortunate luck to have broken her leg recently!  I really feel for her - it has made me change my thinking in how vital we are in our children's lives even when we don't feel like we are doing much!  It has been a privilege to spend more time with them this past week.  Anthony is looking forward to a few more days of the same this coming week.

In between all of this we have been working hard learning about Seashells in our latest Unit Study.
Both kids have been really enjoying learning about everything from Hermit crabs to giant clams.  It has been fun to watch their amazed faces watching clips of the amazing things in the Oceans and seashore.
As part of the study we took a trip to the beach - after discussing all the practical items we would need to collect shells ie Sunscreen, hats, buckets - and of course how to stay safe at the beach!

Its amazing how much learning can be done by children everywhere they go!

We spent the best part of 2 hours collecting shells and watching hermit crabs in the rock pools.  It was a truly great day to be homeschooling!

After such a tiring morning both children loved being able to sit quietly with a snack and watch an episode of the Magic Schoolbus.  (For educational purposes only of course!).

Both kids have discovered their love for the dramatic this week after we printed out some Angry Birds and made them in to puppets.  They have been using the puppets to put on little skits along with funny voices.  I very nearly fell over laughing!

Samantha started back at Ballet yesterday.  It was a shock to see how much she had grown since the last time she wore her little uniform.  It cost an arm and a leg, but gosh she looks so lovely in it!  She was amazing in her lesson.  I was such a proud Mummy :)

And apart from that, things are as normal here.  Any doubts I had about turning our spare room into the school room are long gone!  They just love being in there so much!  Hours after school has finished for the day and most weekends they can be found in here creating. 

We have a fun and busy week ahead as we have  few more days with Anthony's little friend as well as a much anticipated trip to Gibbs Farm on Thursday.  Follow that up with Ballet lessons, Music group, Sunday school and a Birthday party for one of Samantha's Kindergarten friends should make for a full week!
Wish us luck :)

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