Gosh, its now the 1st of March here in NZ. I'm not sure where this year is going, but it is doing so with speed!
I'm happy because it means officially it is the first day of Fall today. Even though the temperatures here are still HOT, HOT, HOT it helps to know that winter is coming eventually. Also loving that we only have a few more weeks left of daylight savings! I HATE it! It does nothing but stuff up our whole families sleeping schedules and makes for grouchy children for weeks after it changes. Seems like a pointless thing to me!
Both of my children have had colds this week, which they have now kindly passed on to their Daddy. So we have had grouchy, tired and miserable kids to deal with and now a grouchy Daddy to boot!
So we have had an understandably lazy (ish) week in regards to school work. I have to constantly remind myself that this is not public school.....if Samantha was going to school she would have had days off sick this week.
We did however get out the 'fun stuff' for the kids. I love that everything has learning potential and fun for the kids is actually our school resources ;)
Preschool matching game. |
Picture letter matching game - love our little ladybird pegs :) |
Shape puzzles |
He's an expert already! |
Here is our whiteboard for this week. We are still doing our Seashells unit study. We should have finished a week ago, but the kids are enjoying it so much we are keeping it going :) We also have our current sight words and our Bible study memory verse on here :)
We have turned one of the double cupboard doors into our Sight Words wall. Once they are learnt, they graduate to here :)
And even sick, Maths is always a hit!
We love MathUSee :) |
So that is our week. Another busy weekend planned with Ballet, a birthday party, a Kindy picnic and most importantly to my kids a new Sophia episode ;)
Oooohh, and I almost forgot! I have finished writing our exemption :) Yay *jumps up and down*!
Now I just have to send it away and keep fingers crossed it is acceptable :) Woohoo!